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Women in solar – inspiration from Kenya

Currently, in Kenya, around only 50% of people have access to electricity. Women are also rarely engaged in solar policy, generation, distribution and commercial services. Recently, SolarAid became aware of the She Shapes The City project, which tells the stories of 10 inspiring women who are involved in the growing solar energy market in Kenya. […]

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Who are the women bringing clean energy to Africa’s gridless?

Women Bring Energy In the green rolling hills of Plateau State in central Nigeria, power lines are few and far between. Nanbet, a formidable young woman, lives here, farming and raising five children on her own. She grows potatoes, maize and beans. And now, after training and support, she is a clean energy entrepreneur with […]

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Empowering women in Malawi with solar

  In Malawi, women suffering from fistula are often ostracised from their communities. During the treatment period, at the Fistula Care Centre, women are introduced to various business ideas and are trained in business management to provide them with new skills and the ability to earn an income when they return to their communities. Freedom […]

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Is Power Africa the right way?

When the sun sets across rural Africa many families reach for kerosene to light their home. Often burnt in a homemade tin lamp, the flame emits thick black smoke damaging a family’s health as well as the environment. It is expensive, accounting for around 20% of household income, and barely emits enough light for a […]

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Tropical Storm Ana brings flooding and darkness to Malawi

  Tropical Storm Ana swept through Southern Africa on 24 January, battering Malawi and neighbouring countries with heavy winds and torrential downpour. Roads were destroyed, communities flooded and the national power grid devastated. Families were forced to wade through flood water in total darkness to seek safety. The government declared a state of national disaster […]

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Building climate resilience in remote African communities

The climate crisis is here and Africa is at the forefront. In the most recent IPCC report, it was emphasised that Africa is warming at a faster pace than the rest of the world, despite contributing the least to global carbon emissions. The effects of this are being felt across the continent and the ability […]

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SolarAid is striking, here’s why

While our team in London is getting ready for the Global Climate Strike (#GlobalClimateStrike) on Friday, we are also supporting teams working hard to increase access to solar-powered light and electricity across rural Africa. Access to electricity is critical for modern societies to develop and build stronger, more resilient economies which are able to withstand […]

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New SunnyMoney CEO looks forward to challenges ahead

We’re hugely excited to announce the appointment of Caesar Mwangi as the new CEO of our social enterprise, SunnyMoney. Caesar takes over at a highly critical time for SolarAid and SunnyMoney as the solar market in Africa continues to grow and evolve. SunnyMoney was set up in 2008 to sell solar lights to those living ‘beyond the […]

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