News and views

International Year of Light

2015 is the UNESCO International Year of Light, a global initiative highlighting the importance of light in everyday life and for the development of society. To mark the official launch of the IYOL on 19th January 2015, SolarAid are asking supporters to take a few moments – whether just five minutes or an entire evening […]

Joseph Mtange Lights the Way

This is Joseph Mtange, Headteacher of Kodeny Primary School. Joseph is not just a head teacher however, he’s an entrepreneur with a social conscious as well. Joseph is one of hundreds of people who are taking advantage of the increased demand for solar lights by becoming a SunnyMoney agent, supplementing their income while ensuring access […]

Ian Marchant Lights the Way

There’s a group of shining beacons in Africa who have been instrumental in helping us sell 1.4 million solar lights. Without their help, support and passion, countless communities would not be benefiting from safe, clean light today. These guys range from head teachers to local entrepreneurs; they are all helping to Light the Way. Of course, […]

Light for Lima

During the UN Climate Talks in Lima this December Our Voices – a multi-faith, climate change movement – will hold vigils around the world, to call for an international agreement to combat climate change. All powered by solar lights. They have teamed up with SolarAid to get solar lights to key locations in Canada, Japan, India, the […]

Voice And Choice = Solar Revolution

“I use my time to educate other people about solar lights because it is a good product for home use. I saw it from my neighbour and I decided to buy it. It helps to reduce kerosene expenses.” Imelda Mpiluka, Tanzania It has been an exciting year for SolarAid and SunnyMoney; reaching a million solar light […]

Impact Week

  Today’s blog is written by Kat Harrison, Director of Research & Impact  Twitter: @sunrise_kat Tumblr: “Today sees the release of our second ever impact report. The report is jam packed with information celebrating the amazing impact that you’ve helped us achieve over the last 12 months. We’ve made some great progress and we can’t wait […]

Nobel Prize LED tech can help light world’s poorest

Yesterday the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of ‘greatest benefit to mankind’ was awarded to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura for the blue light-emitting diode (LED). Improvements in LED technology have made small solar lights affordable to some of the world’s poorest people living without electricity. “Nobel recognition of the importance […]

Zayed Future Energy Prize

 We have just found out we are one of five finalists in the Non-Profit Organisation category for the Zayed Future Energy Prize 2015. SolarAid was short-listed from a record 1100 entries from 84 countries as one of the finalists demonstrating “outstanding impact, innovation, leadership, and long-term vision”. Marie-Jose Nadaeu, Chair of the World Energy Council and […]

Lighting the Bottom Billion

While the first Millennium Development Goal – to cut the 1990 poverty rate by half by 2015 has been achieved, 1.2 billion people still live below the poverty line of $1.25 a day.  Many of these people we speak to everyday. Many of these people are our customers. Data analysed by SolarAid’s Director of Research & Impact shows […]

Solar lights v solar home systems

A recent debate has been rumbling over the benefits of solar lamps versus solar home systems for off-grid communities. Many studies outline the importance of solar lighting to rural households, with World Bank surveys showing many Africans consider better lighting as the most important household improvement. But some practitioners suggest that small-scale, portable solar solutions can […]