Have you heard our Radio 4 Appeal?

Being part of the Mayi Walas group has transformed the life of her family and her community. Photo: SolarAid/Chris Gagnon.
We’re welcoming in the New Year with BIG NEWS! We have been chosen for the BBC Radio 4 Appeal airing on Sunday 7th January.
Tune in to hear the story of Liness, a ‘Shining Mother’ of Malawi. Before she had her own solar light, her family had to burn straw for light or rely on low-quality torch batteries, which were expensive and didn’t last long. But now, that is a distant memory.
Working with other women in her community, Liness helps other families get their hands on small but powerful solar lights. These lights transform lives at the flick of a switch:
- For rural communities, a light means the working day doesn’t have to end when the sun goes down.
- For a farmer, light means they can sort through their soya beans even after the sun sets.
- For a child, light means they can get ahead in school because they can actually do their homework in the evening.
- For a midwife, a light means she can deliver babies safely through the night.
- And for the planet, solar lights mean we can all breathe a little easier.
These innovative lights are at the centre of everything we do – but ‘Shining Mothers’ like Liness play a vital role in getting these lights into the hands of people who need them most. They will travel by foot and by bicycle, often across muddy or rough terrain, to get solar lights to the most remote villages in Malawi.
Tune in and share the light
Set your alarms now so you don’t miss the broadcasts at 07:55 and 21:26 on Sunday 7th January and again 15:27 on Thursday 11th January.
Please tune in and tell your friends, neighbours, colleagues and family to listen in too. With your support, and women like Liness, we can get more solar lights to people who need them this year.
And thanks to a very generous foundation, every donation up to £20,000 will be doubled. Your impact will go even further because £15 becomes £30 and £60 becomes £120!