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SolarAid in the media; Solar sales eclipse all forecasts

The national media have picked up on the amazing sales figures our teams have achieved in rural Africa. The figures are so impressive that news of these great results has spread far beyond the renewable energy press.

The Huffington Post has noted that we are well on target to sell 320,000 solar lights within the last 12 months, a 600% increase on last year’s figures. Some publications even suggest that solar lights are set to compete with mobile phones and Coca Cola as an everyday household item in Africa, partly due to our work.

Indeed, we continue to smash our own records in our pursuit of solar enlightenment. Statistics collated just today show that since January 2013 the record for number of solar lights sold in one region in one day was broken five times. One of our teams, comprising only a handful of staff, managed to sell 1,912 lights in one day in the Sengerema region of Tanzania alone. Our weekly figures also tell a similar story with a record number of solar lamps (16,000 plus) being sold in Tanzania in just one week.

While these figures are testament to the great work our team have been doing, and the simplicity and effectiveness of our goals, we are all acutely aware there is still a long way to go. We are predicting a bright future for rural Africa with demand on the increase and huge orders of solar lights being shipped across as we speak.  However, our work is far from complete with millions of families still reliant on dangerous, unhealthy and expensive kerosene.

If you have been moved by our achievements and share our aim of a brighter sustainable future for Africa, then why not help us expand the reach of our clean, green solar lights. Click this link to see how you can give us the green light to help Africa harness the power of the sun.

To read more about the recent press coverage click one of the links below.

Huffington Post 

International Solar

Blue & Green tomorrow

PV Magazine