Justin’s business was transformed after he invested in a solar light and phone charger.
Mr Justin Corrihno is a tailor in Kasungu, Malawi. He works at night, and it used to cost him 1,000 Malawian Kwacha (about £1) per night to buy candles that provided poor quality, flickering light to run his business.
Since he invested in a PilotX solar light and phone charger, things have changed. By paying for the solar light in 3,000MK installments per week, he was able to save money immediately. After 9 weeks he’d paid for the light completely and reduced his lighting bills to zero – saving himself 6,000MK each week.
As well as enabling him to work comfortably at night without straining his eyes, his solar light also acts as an alarm – when the lamp switches to a lower power mode he knows it is 2am and time for him to go to sleep.
Thanks to his solar light he secured a MK5 million (£5,000) tender to tailor the uniforms for a large private school in the area. He is so grateful to SunnyMoney for bringing solar to his area. With your help we can get solar to more districts that are struggling in the dark.
Please help us to ensure everyone in Africa, regardless of income level, has access to clean energy and light.