News and views

What does it take to be a genuine solar guy?

Bomet is a Kenyan county that is divided into four major districts; Bomet district, Chepalungu district, Sotik district and Konoin district. A sizeable amount of the population in the county does not have access to grid electricity which means most of them use kerosene lanterns. With this in mind we formulated a solar light campaign […]

Plug into the sun – charging your phone with solar

So, other than solar lighting, what else do our SunnyMoney lights power? Digital Content Manager, Ralph Greenland takes a look at mobile phone charging via the sun in his new blog. Watch Ralph’s video, above, or for even more, take a look at his blog below: “The concept of solar phone charging isn’t new; even since I joined SolarAid in […]

All Ears for super Susie Wheeldon

Susie reads an extract from her book at the All Ears event. Our very own superhero, Susie Wheeldon, spoke of her Solar Cycle Diary adventures (and misadventures) in front of a captivated audience of 130 on Tuesday night.  The event brought together a trilogy of inspiring speakers, including writer and coach, Gaylene Gould and entrepreneur and humanitarian Sean Carasso of Falling Whistles – […]

SunnyMoney Tanzania sell their 50,000th solar light

Wow, we learnt today that the SunnyMoney Tanzania team have, this week, sold their 50,000th solar light for 2012! The team celebrated with some rather large portions of delicious looking cake! Operations Director, Malcolm Wigmore, told me that the student who purchased the 50,000th solar light (who lives in Kilimanjaro Region) will be presented with a special […]

Young boy sits on the side of a mud hut while charging his solar lights.

Big, Hairy and Audacious. Not our CEO…our BHAG!

If you haven’t received our latest newsletter then hop along to sunshineisfree for a good old fashioned read!  Our CEO, Steve Andrews, explains the consequences of choosing radical change, our management structure and also, what effect our big hairy and audacious goal (BHAG) will have on energy poverty by the end of the decade! “Last summer, SolarAid’s […]

Tackling poverty… Meet Soccket

An ingenious invention and a brilliant idea. But will it work? Our CEO, Steve Andrews, takes a look at Soccet, the latest device to ‘tackle’ energy poverty in Africa: “The technology is smart. The idea is seductive. Kids kick a football around for a couple of hours and before you can say “Penalty Shoot-out”, the […]

Keep it clean – catalysing the solar market in Malawi

Gill Davies is researching the growth of developing renewable markets in Malawi. Lucky for us, Gill is working with our team in Mzuzu and keeping a blog of her findings. Read on… “I’m a second year PhD student at the Centre of African Studies, based in the University of Edinburgh. After a first year of research […]

A dream starting to come true: John visits Bomet District

SunnyMoney Managing Director and solar blogger, John Keane, paid a visit to Bomet district, Kenya, on Wednesday. Armed with his new cartoon smart phone app (don’t ask!), John joined the team to see how the Student Lights Campaign is progressing: “Yesterday I joined the SunnyMoney Kenya team in Bomet District to see how they were getting on […]

Cycling the Earth with a fractured back…

Have you met Sean Conway yet? No… well I’d like to tell you a little about him then: Sean is cycling 19,000 miles of the planet’s surface so he can raise £100,000 to help us banish kerosene lamps from Africa. Plus, he wants to break the current world record and return to London in time for the […]

Hult Global Case Challenge: The Final

Our CEO, Steve Andrews, is in New York helping judge at the finals of the Hult Global Case Challenge. The HGCC challenges students from universities around the world to come up with sustainable business models and strategies to help tackle some of the world’s greatest social problems. Our social enterprise, SunnyMoney, is one of three organisations that will […]