
Moment of Sunshine Appeal

Moment of Sunshine Appeal We have reached our target! Together with your support, we are getting light and vital health information to where it is needed most. Thank you.  You can still donate to have your Moment of Sunshine, as light is still needed in the fight against coronavirus. We are now building our Phase […]

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You can triple your impact on the COVID-19 response

My name is Brave Mhonie, I lead the team in Malawi. I hope you are keeping safe and well. I love the SolarAid supporters, and I am worried to hear of the updates about the coronavirus outbreak across so many countries. We have the same concerns about our own country. At the moment of writing […]

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Climate Change at the centre stage for Lake of Stars

It’s the dry season in Malawi and the roads are dusty, which means that, even though it’s hot in the car, we keep the windows shut as we drive up North. The closer we get to our final destination, Kachere, in Nkhata Bay, just next to Lake Malawi, the land around us gets greener. This […]

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Lighting strategy for West African states

Officials from 18 Ministries of Energy met in Benin in October to continue development of an Efficient Lighting Strategy for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Our very own Charlie Miller and Andreas Adam from Osram represented GOGLA at the event. Originally focused on the transition to efficient lighting on-grid, Charlie and Andreas worked […]

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Jeremy Leggett in Kenya

Solar evangelist, Guardian writer and SolarAid chairman, Jeremy Leggett, is currently in Africa visiting the SunnyMoney teams. In 2006 Jeremy founded SolarAid in order to help establish clean energy alternatives in Africa. Over the next few days, Jeremy will be taking a closer look at our distribution and sales techniques that form the basis of […]

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A new era for SolarAid

As we eagerly await the next batch of sales figures about our millionth solar light sale, we have an announcement of a slightly different nature to make.  SolarAid and SunnyMoney CEO, Steve Andrews, has decided to move on to pastures new. Steve joined SolarAid back in October 2010 when we were selling around 2,000 lights per month and still puzzling […]

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A new term for Sunny Schools

  Education is back in session as we start working with new partners to extend our outreach to schools around the UK. Our Fundraising and Schools Project Coordinator has been working hard to inspire students, teachers and communities with SolarAid’s fantastic Sunny Schools resources. Developed to be used alongside the current school curriculum in both […]

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Sustainable Energy 4 All

On Monday 18 May 2015, SolarAid Head of Policy, Charlie Miller, is working with the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association and the Power for All initiative to deliver two sessions at the Sustainable Energy for All forum in New York. The sessions will highlight: Why off-grid solar is critical for achieving Sustainable Energy for All How off-grid solar can be […]

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The International Year of Light gets the Royal seal of approval

Last week saw the UK launch of the International Year of Light, the UN initiative to promote the importance of light in tackling development issues. The launch took place at St James’ Palace, a building with a long history of Royal residence. A grand setting with some esteemed figures, but the SolarAid ladies weren’t to be […]

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The sun is rising on a solar revolution in Africa

In an article published yesterday on BBC World News the question was posed, is the sun rising on an African solar revolution? The article went on to outline the many benefits of solar energy to rural African families but concluded that no, a revolution may still be some way off. Well we have to disagree with the […]

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