
Solar entrepreneurs

At SolarAid, we believe the best way to make long-lasting change is through creating a local market. We do this by training and supporting entrepreneurs to sell solar lights. Not only does it create sustainable income and business opportunities for the entrepreneur, it creates customers rather than beneficiaries. Although the entrepreneur structure differs between countries, […]

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The Power in Togetherness

“I think there is power when women come together. We share knowledge.” Margret Nkhata, 45, is quiet and chooses her words carefully. When she speaks, she goes straight to the point. “The goodness is that we know that women can run businesses. Besides, we come back with profits from the business, for both the group […]

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Taking a stand to reduce Solar e-waste

  “Initiatives and projects like the ones being implemented by SolarAid not only see non-functioning electronic products like solar lights brought back to life, but also contribute to sustainable management of electronic waste and provide business opportunities to local technicians.” According to the  Global E-Waste Monitor 2020 report, the global quantity of E-Waste is increasing […]

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Penny Mupeta demonstrates a solar light to his customer

Zambian Agents Appeal

Every day at sunset, people without electricity across Zambia are forced to put themselves and their families at risk by burning kerosene lamps, paraffin candles or straw fires just for a bit of light. We rely on our solar Agents to bring lights to these families in the most remote areas of Zambia. They navigate […]

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It’s amazing what women with energy can do

We are very proud to support the work that our partner ElleSolaire is doing to deliver access to clean energy in Senegal’s rural communities through women-led entrepreneurs. Women are playing a vital role in bringing clean and renewable energy to families living without electricity. “Mummy, mummy, where’s my boubou? Where’s my boubou?” It’s frantic inside Seynabou’s hut this […]

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Unlocking the power of women to light up communities

  “I love dancing with the Mayi Walas!” says Mphatso Nsewa, Programme Coordinator for our new Mayi Walas programme in Malawi. When Mphatso and the rest of the SunnyMoney team arrive at a village to meet with women for recruitment, they can already hear the women singing from a distance and they are often greeted […]

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Method Matters to Women Entrepreneurs

  Working in partnerships with other innovative organisations is a key part of SolarAid’s strategy. We are also recognising the power of women entrepreneurship in providing energy access in rural communities, where women are key change makers. This is a story from SolarAid’s partner in Senegal, ElleSolaire. ElleSolaire works to support women entrepreneurs to build last mile […]

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The #PitchDarkPortrait challenge

Can you imagine living without electricity? No TV, no mobile phone, no fridge, or oven or light!? When the clocks went back last Sunday, and the UK got darker one hour earlier, our long time friends and supporters at 9BAR kicked off a very clever awareness raising campaign highlighting what it’s like to live without […]

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Spreading our solar projects

We thought we would give you a little insight in to some of the ways in which we help distribute our solar lights to so many rural African communities. We asked one of the SunnyMoney team to tell us a little bit about the work they have been doing recently in helping us spread our solar projects. This […]

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