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Florence Muva – a super agent

In July 2017 SunnyMoney Malawi recruited a new super agent, Florence Muva.

Florence had previously been selling small packets of water in the bus depot, but had seen the benefits of solar and the profits that could be made – her husband is an employee of SunnyMoney.

She raised some capital herself and also obtained a loan from FINCOOP to pay for stock and is now a top selling agent. Florence is fantastic example of how the solar business can change lives.

However, due to some issues with cash flow, she used up all her business cash and has not been able to buy more solar lights recently. This has been a lesson for SunnyMoney and their super agents about how to grow their businesses sustainably. SunnyMoney now recognise it is better for them to be more involved in business decisions being made by our super agents, so that they can offer advice and recommendations.

All is not lost, as Florence has now got another loan and started selling again. The loan was given to her by another super agent looking to invest more money and make more profits from his solar business. A win win situation.

We wish Florence every success and hope SunnyMoney Malawi can continue to develop more top selling super agents like Florence.